Wednesday 24 September 2014

Going Through Rough Times

Before we got married, we were studying at Brigham Young University. I always had lots of roommates to talk to about everything. I loved staying up late talking with them. When I was engaged to marry Ryan I thought late night talks were a thing I'd have to give up. I just couldn't imagine Ryan being into that. Perhaps I couldn't imagine it, because we were required by the school to keep a sort of curfew! We talked a lot on our dates, but I just thought it would be different. After we got married I was very pleasantly surprised by our first fun late night talk. Now we continue to talk regularly in the evenings after the kids go to bed.

Recently I went through some incredibly difficult things that I can't talk about yet. It was a critical time for me, so it was a critical time for our marriage. Lots of late night talks with Ryan helped get me through the hard times. I called him my psychologist. I love that we can talk together. Big problems that one partner is having can bring a couple closer together or further apart. For us, it brought us closer together thanks to talking everything out. Good communication is vital for marriages.