Thursday, 29 June 2017

The Only Thing They Got To Take With Them

I caught the last few minutes of a radio show once about marriage. They were stressing the importance of marriage since the beginning of the earth. When they stated that "the only thing Adam and Eve got to take with them from the garden was their marriage", that really clicked with me. They only took each other when they left. God validated marriage when that happened. I'd like to mention your marriage is one of the few things you get to take with you when you leave this earth life, also.
When I was little I went to the church to pick up my older sisters from their weekly youth activity. They had the church set up like eternity. One room was the "pre-existence" where they taught the youth the purpose of the activity was to avoid all the distractions in the church and stick to the path that gets them back to heaven with Heavenly Father. If they made it there was a "Heavenly Room" with a beautiful white haired couple dressed in white telling them what a good job they had done. As far as I know there wasn't any "marriage" in this scenario. However, they had done a great job with the distractions. I peeked in the gym and found some of the youth playing basketball and some man pretending to be Satan, trying to help them keep playing basketball long enough to miss the "Heavenly Room" talk.
I was always wistful that I didn't get to do this activity when I got older, but that's how it goes sometimes. What I appreciated was how clear it made the purpose and brevity of life for me. We come to earth, we get bodies, we are tested, we are put in families/marriages, and we die and go back to heaven. What do we get to take with us at the end? Just our bodies(after Resurrection) and our families. I don't think people's marriages would end so easily, if they just understood all of this. The things they give up their marriage for, are empty hooks. Or should I say empty hoops: like the youth playing basketball in the gym when they should have been in "heaven". Anyway, they give up their marriages for a million different reasons, but none of those reasons matter anymore after they die. If they could just see that their marriage is one of a very few of their most valuable possessions (considering it's eternal nature), then they'd nurture it much longer instead of trading it in for something else.

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