Monday, 25 November 2013

Eternal Marriage

Eternal marriage is something that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints look forward to and believe in. When we get sealed(married) in one of our temples, it is for forever. I've(Leah) watched a lot of couples who have been sealed together, for longer than I've been alive. Of the ones I am closest to, they have all stayed married to their first spouse. They are generally happy. The couples have fun together, work together, achieve goals together, raise children together, visit grandchildren together, retire together, etc. Lots of happiness and peace come from a lifestyle like this.
image credit

There are many others that I have watched, for longer than I've been alive, that were not sealed in the temple. They married elsewhere, if they married at all. Of the ones that I am closest to, that didn't marry in the temple, there have been many relationship problems. None have ended up staying with their first spouse and most have been through many divorces and remarriages. Some ended up with children they were not prepared to care for, while others lost custody of children they had hoped to raise.
If this is the difference a focus on eternal marriage makes, I choose the eternities with my husband and family.

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