Thursday 19 May 2016

George and Martha Washington

One couple who appear to have a marriage that worked was:
George and Martha Washington.
Their marriage was enjoyable to read about and learn from.

I like this part:
"They fell into a pattern of routine with the President holding open receptions to any clean respectable males on Tuesday afternoons. Martha had her own receptions on Fridays open to both men and women. Sundays were family days, first going to church at St. Paul's and various outings with the grandchildren in the afternoons."

One night a week for their receptions seems like a good plan. I don't know if they invited each other to their receptions or not. Either way, having one night a week to do something wholesome the way you like without your companion seems healthy.

I stress one wholesome activity without your spouse a week, because of a story we ran across once.
Ryan and I were shopping at Costco. We were on different aisles and he had a baby in his cart along with the food. Two ladies approached him and started cooing over the baby. One lady said something like, "I bet you take the baby to the bars and pick up on all the women there?" Ryan said "no, I don't". They clarified, "you don't use the baby to pick up on women at the bars?" Ryan restated more clearly, "No, I don't drink, I don't go to bars and I don't use the baby to pick up on women." The one lady looked at the other and said, "See, I told you good men still exist!" Since that conversation, I think it's important to add stress to the wholesome in one wholesome recreational activity a week.
My mother-in-law has spent one night a week going to orchestra rehearsals for decades. She loves it and never wants to miss it. It's good for her. Since, it's good for her, it's good for her husband too. This is a perfect way to have one wholesome recreational activity a week.

Friday 6 May 2016


Expectations Quiz
from the Utah Marriage Handbook

4 True or False Questions:
1. Because we are in love we should never disagree.
2. My spouse should know what I'm thinking and feeling without my having to say it.
3. My spouse will never change (for the better or for the worse).
4. I will always feel those exciting, passionate feelings for my spouse.

Okay did you answer true or false for each one? To check the answers continue reading.

Tuesday 3 May 2016


When you're trying to become a better person, be wise to know what is within your power to change. Same goes for when you are trying to improve your spouse's character. Baby steps and encouragement are critical parts of change. Two steps forward and one step back is expected.

Remember just like the baby falls when trying to take it's first steps, we will too. We encourage the baby like it is the best thing in the world, because it is. When you're headed in the right direction, falls will happen, just keep trying.